Tag Archives: cloud computing

The country shut down for a day – did your business?

stormy day DNA IT Solutions

The recent stormy weather caused all sorts of mayhem throughout the country with power and water supplies affected and most people staying indoors.  Thankfully that weather has passed but who knows when the next storm could arrive. Once the warnings came through on Sunday night for Hurricane Ophelia many businesses started to make plans for […]

How to make the most of cloud technology for your business

Cloud Technology for business DNA IT

Cloud technology is not the future, it is the present. This, a once intimidating and confusing technology, is now the norm and is something we use every day, often without realising it. This all begs the question; how can I find a way to make cloud computing help my business? Cloud computing is the storing […]

Different types of cloud services

Types of cloud services DNA IT

The many benefits of cloud computing have been discussed in depth and are rarely disputed. With a lower cost, more flexibility, productivity and layers of security it is the obvious choice for most businesses.  However, there are several types of cloud services and knowing what is available can help you make better decisions on what […]

The main benefits of Cloud Computing

Benefits of Cloud Computing DNA IT

Cloud computing has many benefits for business today. The flexibility it brings means that services can be scaled to fit individual organisation needs.  Applications can be customised and the many cloud services available can be accessed from anywhere in the world once there is access to the internet. Here are some of the main benefits […]

What is cloud computing?

What is Cloud computing DNA IT

Cloud computing enables organisations of any size and in any sector to run modern IT solutions with the minimum of fuss and no expert knowledge required in-house. What is cloud computing? In reality, ‘in the cloud’ simply means via the internet. All the valuable IT resources you may need to operate your business are provided […]