The Right Security Solution for Mobile Workers

right solution for mobile workers DNA IT

In a previous article we looked at how the modern enterprise meant that workers were now used to working remotely and using mobile technology to enable them to do so. Using smartphones, laptops and tablets as part of their day to day activities and moving from one to the other with ease.   While this remote […]

Securing Your Mobile Workforce

Securing mobile work force DNA IT

In the modern enterprise era every business is now mobile. We are all staying connected to work with mobile phones, tablets and laptops.  Employees are also using personal devices to access corporate data and this can put their organisation at risk when passwords or devices are lost. Cyber criminals know this is happening and they […]

What is Microsoft Dynamics and how can it enable your business to grow?

Microsoft Dynamics DNA IT

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a cloud powered service. It combines both CRM (customer relationship management) and ERP (enterprise response planning). It also comes with many new features added on to help run your business end to end in the cloud. Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the next generation of intelligent business applications that enable your organisation […]

10 Questions to Ask Your Cloud Email Security Provider

Fusemail email security DNA IT

The world of online security, email continuity and archiving can be tricky. That’s why you need an expert to guide you along the way.  FuseMail is a product that DNA IT Solutions offer to their clients and we want to share some information about it with you.  FuseMail have put together 10 questions a business […]

Are you a high-impact business?

High impact business DNA IT solutions

In a modern business, your IT systems are your lifeblood. You need them to interact with customers, store your data, complete your work, and without them functioning properly, it all comes crashing down. So what have you got in place in case this happens? Could your business recover from losing a day’s work, or even […]

How a data centre works

How a data centre works DNA IT

A data centre is a centralised location where computer and networking equipment is stored for the purposes of collecting, processing and storing data. Organisations dealing with sensitive data will use such centres for security purposes, ensuring that a backup of all data is securely stored. Why are data centres necessary? The loss of data can […]

GDPR – Understanding the Data Protection requirements and how to comply

GDPR DNA IT Solutions

The modern office looks a lot different than it did the last time a law was passed on data protection.   We now use more mobile devices in our work and personal life.  Company data is no longer just stored with the walls of an office as we move towards storage in the cloud. With […]