Disaster Recovery for Financial Services

Disaster recovery for financial services DNA IT Solutions

While each industry brings its own challenges, when it comes to Financial Services you have your own additional pressures. The pressure of being ‘on’ 24 hours a day, every day for customers often at stressful situations is one.  Add to that the challenges of security of sensitive information, data protection and compliance and this all […]

How Autotask can help generate revenue for your business

Generate revenue with Autotask DNA IT

You might be aware of Autotask as a file sharing platform, however, it is so much more than that. Autotask has grown to become a valuable business tool that is streamlining business processes.  Its vision of unifying people, processes and data is driving growth for many businesses across the globe today. Autotask PSA Autotask professional […]

The Top 5 Benefits of Managed IT Services

Top 5 Benefits of managed IT DNA IT

One valuable piece of advice that is given to business owners when they start out on their journey is to stick to what they are good at and outsource all the other tasks. It’s great advice when it comes to accounts, human resources and various administration tasks.  It’s even better advice when it comes to […]

Do Your Senior Management Know How to Spot a Phishing Attack?

Fusemail Phishing attack DNA IT Solutions

The rise of spear phishing attacks means we have to learn to be suspicious. Spear phishing attacks are on the rise and therefore so are the number of victims of successful attacks. In order to protect your organisation from threats like this you need to have a multifaceted approach to email security. Your Staff are […]