The Impact of a Security Breach

Impact of a security breach DNA IT Solutions

A recent report stated that cybercrime in Ireland is double global levels. Businesses of all sizes and in all sectors have been affected.  Looking at these trends, those cyber-attacks are only going to increase in the coming years. Devastating Costs Traditional crimes such as burglary or arson will have a detrimental effect on any business.  […]

Layers rather than a single solution for IT Security

Layers for IT Security DNA IT

A virus is a piece of code which is able to copy itself and infect a system and in turn destroy data.  This corruption can have an extremely detrimental effect on any business. With each virus getting more sophisticated as they are created, it takes global leading technology to stay ahead of the game.   As […]

Why choose IBM Cloud?

why choose IBM Cloud DNA IT Solutions

IBM was once seen as the option for the big multinationals only.  This private, dedicated cloud offering is now more accessible to mainstream businesses through their partner network.  As one of only a handful of their Irish partners, we have started to bring this innovative product to select clients.  These clients have specific needs, many […]

Protect your business from Ransomware

protect ransomware DNA IT Solutions

All organisations are increasing their reliance on IT for the day to day running of their business. There is more sharing of information and storage of data in a digital format.  There are more remote workers and that is the shape of the modern enterprise – people working from home, working remotely on site, working […]

5 IT Challenges your Business will Face

5 IT challenges DNA IT Solutions

Starting your own business is a challenge, growing it to become a successful business is an even bigger challenge.   There are many business challenges that we face and overcome every week, that’s what makes it so exciting. The challenge of hiring great staff, the challenge of financing your dreams, the challenge of building your brand […]